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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

A Plethora of Easter Eggs

Recently, I was surprised by a massive spill of hundreds of brightly-colored plastic Easter Eggs in my basement. Paranoid, I wondered whether shadowy intruders might have been trying to send a message to me. (An obscure message, to be sure, but maybe symbolic of the equinox, or springtime, or something-something.) 

As it turns out, the intruders appear to be rats, attracted by the former association between the plastic eggs, once used for Easter-Egg hunts, and candy. (Maybe there were even a few stray pieces of candy left.) So, the rats ripped up the plastic bag holding the eggs, leading to the massive spill. The rats then dragged plastic eggs away and hid them elsewhere in the basement. 

I must war against these cunning intruders with appropriate symbols.

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