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Sunday, May 07, 2023

The Professionals Arrive

[Originally published 1/3/23, 1:37 a.m.] 

The crew had just arrived (about 9:50 a.m., January 2, 2023) as I entered the house to tend the pets. 

Twenty-five minutes later, when I emerged, the crew had already dispatched with about 2/3 of the tree. My little path vaporized! 

I understand Gabe and Eleanor arrived later in the afternoon. There is damage on the gutter on the front of the garage. I don't know about the roof of the garage - possibly some damage there. 

But considering the possibilities, Gabe and Eleanor escaped harm! Their car and home were unscathed. No one was hurt or killed. 

Here is an obituary of the man who planted the tree, about 1960. By the end, the tree was about 80 feet tall, and a notable landmark along California’s Highway 99:
Adam was born in New Mexico and graduated from Lyda Patterson Institute High School in El Paso, Texas. He joined the U.S. Navy immediately after high school, at the height of WW II. He served in combat in the Pacific Theater and was proud to have been a witness to the surrender of the Japanese from his ship, the USS Pasadena, anchored in Tokyo Bay in 1945.

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