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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Trump's Ready to Bail

Now, why would Donald Trump need to steal top nuclear secrets? Some of the speculation at Daily Kos feels plausible: Worried about approaching prison time, Trump intended to self-exile to Russia or Saudi Arabia, fleeing via helicopter to a yacht waiting off of the Mar-a-Lago coast, and would have sold the secrets to maintain his Jabba-the-Hutt lifestyle. Now what will he do? Climb into a spider hole like Saddam Hussein? Buy guns? Get plastic surgery? Go into orbit with one of Elon Musk's rockets? Finally get around to buying Greenland? 

Remember, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed for passing on nuclear secrets. And who was instrumental in that? Roy Cohn, of course - Donald Trump's mentor.

Albuquerque Approves its First Safe Outdoor Space

What the heck does this mean: "Albuquerque approves its first safe outdoor space"? All those years I was there, and outside too, and didn't realize how unsafe I was. 

Ah, I guess it's government-speak for approved homeless camp:
Safe outdoor spaces are organized, managed camps where people who are homeless can sleep overnight in tents or vehicles. Because of the City Council’s June vote, they are currently allowed under Albuquerque’s zoning code, though there are restrictions. They have a maximum occupancy of 50 people and are limited to two years, with the option of a single two-year extension. Operators have to provide toilets, showers and handwashing stations, and must also submit for the city’s review a copy of their management plan or security agreement that indicates the site has 24/7 support.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Dog Menace

Second time that Jasper has been attacked unprovoked by this same border collie at the Sierra 2 green, an unofficial dog park. After the attack broke off, I came around behind the border collie with my pooper scooper, prepared to beat it, but the dog’s owner said “please don’t hit my dog,” so I didn’t. I’m thinking this dog is kind of a menace. Maybe I’m a menace too.

Civil Discussion with the IRS

Two years ago, in frustration at not getting a bigger tax refund, I checked a box somewhere on the Internet, and started a correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service. For two years, the IRS replied that they couldn't reply to my request because the pandemic was causing them issues. Fair enough. I realized I didn't understand my tax forms anyway and didn't even have a real issue with the IRS. 

Then the IRS started sending letters that my tax status was good. I got enough of these letters about my good status that I began to get worried. Like one day, there'll be a knock at the door, and I'll open the door, and red-dressed cardinals will jump at me and announce, "no ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!" 

Then yesterday, the IRS sent me a letter saying they needed to adjust my 2020 refund and give me more money. So, our correspondence is going well.

A Unicorn on the Shores of Clear Lake

This is the second year when I've done a kind of Uber service: driving to Clear lake for about an hour, then coming back. When I arrived, the kids present were happy to see me and pressed me into various duties, like shoulder rides. Among the things they wanted to do was convert me into a kind of unicorn, as the sun set behind Mt. Konocti.