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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Civil Discussion with the IRS

Two years ago, in frustration at not getting a bigger tax refund, I checked a box somewhere on the Internet, and started a correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service. For two years, the IRS replied that they couldn't reply to my request because the pandemic was causing them issues. Fair enough. I realized I didn't understand my tax forms anyway and didn't even have a real issue with the IRS. 

Then the IRS started sending letters that my tax status was good. I got enough of these letters about my good status that I began to get worried. Like one day, there'll be a knock at the door, and I'll open the door, and red-dressed cardinals will jump at me and announce, "no ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!" 

Then yesterday, the IRS sent me a letter saying they needed to adjust my 2020 refund and give me more money. So, our correspondence is going well.

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