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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Cease Fires Are Like Knives

Cease fires are like knives: useful tools, but dangerous. If mutually agreeable, cease fires can help promote a peace process, but they can also lock in an aggressor's gains and promote war. Earlier this year, Ukrainians tried cease fires a number of times to help evacuate civilians, but Russia never respected any of them, and killed fleeing civilians instead. 

The recent letter from Progressive Democrats urging a cease fire and direct negotiations over the heads of the Ukrainians (just withdrawn in a display of astonishing weakness), at this moment, helps enable Putin retool for a renewed invasion next year. The most-direct route to peace now is to back the Ukrainians to the hilt as they kick the shit out the invaders and break the Russian war machine. Until Russian will is broken, a cease fire means failure. Only a Ukrainian victory will yield a lasting peace. Only losers, like so many libertarians and conservative Republicans, back Putin. Don't back Putin - ever!

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