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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

California State Fair 2022


Doesn't generate any power, but it generates some money.

Looking apprehensive.

Checking glasses.



Patiently waiting in the broiling sun for whatever this thing does.

Ferris Wheel.

Alien Invasion.

Looking southwest.


Raging Waters isn't running, but the tubes look functional.


9/11 exhibit.

Midway coming up.

Twin towers look small.

That awesome Neverland people-spinner!

Tower coming up.

Spire of the merry-go-round.

Baking and suffocating in the sun as fellow Alien Invaders board the ship.

Grim faces over here.

Happy faces over here.

Gave me a headache and furthered the dehydration, but all that spinning was fun.
Still, never got over to see the animals.....

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