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Friday, April 15, 2022

Salad Bags

I talked to a dietitian about ways to improve my diet. I'm not big on fruit, but eating more salads seemed like an option. 

I confessed to her that I hate to eat salads that I make myself. My salads never seem to taste good. I much prefer to eat salads made by other people - people who have the imagination and experience to assemble the good-tasting ingredients that excite both rabbits and people. 

The dietitian suggested using those prepackaged salad bags that you find in supermarkets. A good idea!  So, I started chewing my way through salad bags. Life was good. 

I'm not sure what I'll do now that the place where the salad bags come from burned to the ground yesterday. I hope the salad bag industry is strategically-hardened, with more salad bag places scattered elsewhere. If worse comes to worse, I might have to make my own salads again:
Experts were waiting to see what kind of impact the fire will have to stores like Safeway and Walmart, which sell Taylor Farms packaged salads.
"To have something like this happen in a transition period is just tragic," said Steve Del Masso, owner of Bay Cities Produce Co. Inc. in San Leandro. "This is such an important time in California. All your major processors like Taylors are moving from Arizona, where they’ve been for 6 months to California."
Officials with Taylor farms said in a statement Thursday that they will shift production their 20 other locations around the country, including thief facility in Yuma, Ariz. '
"Our total production locations and geographic diversity is our best defense to this scenario," the statement says. "We will work to reassign and support our Salinas Foodservice production team this season as we rebuild the facility."

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