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Monday, March 07, 2022

LaToya's Crusade To Save Alpha Charter High School

I didn't realize how embroiled LaToya is in this. An important issue!:
ELVERTA, Calif. — Parents are fighting to save a small charter school in Sacramento County that is scheduled to close at the end of the school year because of low enrollment and a lack of funding.
...The district wrote in a statement to KCRA that, "it was the only responsible option they could take at this time given its declining and record low enrollment, which resulted in a significant and untenable financial strain on the school district."
The district projected a shortfall of $220,000 when considering how much it would cost to continue to operate the school versus how much funding enrollment would generate.
Alpha Charter High School has about 40 students and offers magnet programs for music, softball and baseball. 9LaToya Bufford's son, Lamont Jr., is a freshman at the school.
"We feel like it would be a huge loss if the school closes down because of the opportunities for him to learn and be guided from such great leaders," Bufford said.

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