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Friday, January 21, 2022

Catsitting At Gabe and Eleanor's

It's been a while since I've been to Gabe and Eleanor's house, and I was worried about whether the keys I had in my possession worked anymore. Voila! No problem entering the house! Only trouble was, Gabe had replaced the old alarm system, and my code was not entered into the new alarm system. Teeth shattered with the high-pitched wailing of the alarm....

Gabe said let the cats stay in the gated area of the house, where they had few places to hide, but allow them to explore his office, where there also weren't many places to hide. Great! Only trouble was, I opened the door to Eleanor's office instead of Gabe's, and Danny promptly vanished. About an hour later, I had to pry him out from under a piece of furniture.

Cats are so honest.  When I open the door, I can see Danny look up in anticipation, then look down again, as if to say, "Oh, YOU again!"

Harry needs a laser pointer, real bad.  I could hypnotize him just with my flashlight.

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