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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Lucking Out With Rain This December

Such an erratic rainy season so far! Wetter than we usually get in a La Niña year. 
At the end of October, following the immense rainstorm of October 24th, Sacramento was a surreal 700% above average precipitation for the water year, which started October 1st. Then November was mostly dry, so by last weekend, we were only 190% above average. With the most recent rainfall, we are now 237% above average. We've already surpassed normal December rainfall amounts. 

There are more storms coming too! After a few days of sunshine, Dec. 21-22 will be rainy, as will Dec. 23-24, and Dec. 25-27. 

December will be very rainy, but we've got to bank the water we get, La Niña might kick us with drought again, the way she's kicking the Southwest right now.

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