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Monday, November 01, 2021

Help Support Anthony Gonzales In His Time Of Need

Friend and fellow Zumba and Jamaican Dancehall dancer (and Jasper's dog groomer) Anthony Gonzales was attacked in Old Sac on Saturday night. His friends have hastily arranged a Gofundme:
Anthony was attacked Saturday night in Old Sac. He sustained some pretty bad injuries but luckily will make a full recovery. He’s currently at the UC Davis trauma center being treated for broken ribs, a punctured lung, and multiple contusions. As happy as we are that he will recover after some time. This will impact him and his business. As you may know he is one of the best dog groomers in Sacramento. He does everything in that shop including the heavy lifting of dogs. His injuries are going to impact his abilities to make money. His medical bills from this will also be astronomical as he is self employed.

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