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Monday, September 13, 2021

I Didn't Realize Harry Briley Was Working on a Memoir of Socorro Days

Rather a gold mine. Regarding the Mustard Seed:
We avoided external religious motifs topside (or signs of any kind) and only had an 8x11 paper sign on our stairwell door. The stairs allowed access after-hours. Otherwise, we walked from the basement post office to the hallway door that entered the stairwell.
The impact of the 1970 Asbury College Revival (Wilmore, Kentucky) spread westward while the California version of the Jesus Revolution spread eastward. Socorro was an isolated community that became an experimental closed-system to allow God’s Holy Spirit to mix multiple backgrounds without interference by external organizations. 
The resulting crucible of standing for faith in a hostile academic environment spun off some graduates as pastors, Christian school principals, and persistent lay leaders.

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