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Thursday, September 02, 2021

Apprehensive at Target

I went shopping at the local Target this evening. I've been there many times before. Still, I felt disoriented, and a bit alarmed. 

They've been remodeling the store lately, and so every time I go there, it's different - floor tile removed here and there, more shelves, narrower aisles, products shuffled around. So, some disorientation was to be expected. Still, certain items on the shelves were understocked or nearly-absent - milk, for example. It felt like deja vu - March 2020 all over again. 

Then there was the ambient music - weird, soaring vocal synth booming through the reorganized space. And the people - a different crowd than usual. Everyone seemed dressed in black. Serious people. No joking around. 

Is this the Delta Variant at work? The Caldor Fire? The drought? The Recall Election? Afghanistan? Or some combination of all of it?

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