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Friday, September 03, 2021

A Small Fire

Jasper and I were walking near Sierra 2 Community Center in Curtis Park at our accustomed hour of 1:30 a.m. when we saw flames ahead. A homeless person had just set a fire on the little porch steps at 2424 Castro Way, at one time, the rehearsal space for Runaway Stage Productions. 

As we neared, the homeless person, wearing a grey hoodie, began to shuffle away, and head north on 24th. There’s been a woman on those steps before; perhaps it was her. Jasper and I lingered nearby. Then I used my pooper scooper to snuff out the remaining embers. From the ashes it looked like maybe a book had been set afire. 

I reported the events to Sacramento Fire Dept. I hope they responded. It’s important to stress that no one should be burning anything in California these days without professional supervision.

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