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Friday, July 30, 2021

RIP, Rebecca Holt

I was very surprised to hear of the passing of Rebecca Holt, due to Covid-19. Her husband, Frank Holt, is apparently still hospitalized with Covid-19. 

I met Rebecca and several of her family members through community theater, specifically at DMTC. Her family was more active, however, at Woodland Opera House. 

This news is so sad, and tragic. Condolences to her entire family, in general, and to daughter Chantelle, in particular. 

Chantelle played Pepper, one of the orphan kids, in DMTC's 2018 production of "Annie." That production was menaced by smoke from the Camp Fire, which burned down Paradise, CA in November, 2018, and proceeded to fumigate the northern Central Valley for a couple of weeks. Chantelle had breathing issues, as did several other people in that production. 

My understanding is that Rebecca was politically conservative, but not an anti-masker, in part because she had family members who suffered various auto-immune disorders, and had to do more than just empathize with their suffering. I do not know how Rebecca came in contact with Covid-19. It's just too easy to come in contact with Covid-19 these days. 

There is a GoFundMe for funeral expenses. Please consider donating.

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