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Thursday, July 08, 2021

Nora Unkel's Movie Is At Walmart

Nora's movie production career is now at the point where her movies are getting distributed at Walmart! Not bad for a Davis YPT girl! (I wonder if Target is included too?):
Found A Nightmare Wakes at my local Walmart 😱 I hope everyone on the team is as proud as I am. What a crazy, surreal experience. Thank you to @wildobscurafilms @spittingimg @robmenzies @eggplantpictureandsound and @logicalpictures for making this film a reality. This film wouldn’t exist without you. To Eric, thank you for taking the chance on us and I hope wherever you are, you’re smiling. @shudder and @rljefilms thanks for making a bomb ass dvd and bringing this film to audiences all over the world. 🖤🖤🖤 And lastly, thanks to my girls for making this night one to remember.

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