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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Link Rot

Link rot on the Internet is a growing problem, as are post-publication changes. As our culture moves onto the Internet, the Internet becomes increasingly unstable, and susceptible to tyranny. For example:
Purchased books can be involuntarily zapped by Amazon, which has been known to do so, refunding the original purchase price. For example, 10 years ago, a third-party bookseller offered a well-known book in Kindle format on Amazon for 99 cents a copy, mistakenly thinking it was no longer under copyright. Once the error was noted, Amazon—in something of a panic—reached into every Kindle that had downloaded the book and deleted it. The book was, fittingly enough, George Orwell’s 1984. (You don’t have 1984. In fact, you never had 1984. There is no such book as 1984.)

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