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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A Cat Stalks Jasper

I kept Jasper away from the skunk under the parked car. Just as well. 

Jasper remembers things, but doesn't pay close attention. Jasper barks at trees where squirrels once were a week ago, but where they are no longer to be found. If I let him chase a squirrel, he misses it when the squirrel dodges into brush, preferring to bark wildly at phantoms instead. 

The other night, a cat was stalking Jasper from the gutter. I pointed at the cat, and said "Look!" Alerted, Jasper scanned the trees for squirrels. "No, Jasper, look!" I repeated. Jasper kept looking at treetops. Spinning in circles, Jasper eventually startled the cat, but it wasn't through any skill on his part.

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