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Monday, March 01, 2021

CPAC = Nazis

They know exactly what they are doing, and I wish the worst for them:
What makes the CPAC stage worse? Well, look at the two bottom legs.
Unlike the original Odal rune, those legs are not just straight lines. They have ‘branches’ extending from the base of the rune.
...The Germanic tribes and their Viking ancestors NEVER* carved those extra ‘branches’. I have seen images of EVERY PUBLISHED Elder Futhark carving/engraving known to archeology. NONE of them have those extra branches. That symbol on the CPAC stage originated with the Nazi Schutzstaffel — the criminal mass murderers of the Nazi SS. Probably started as a logo for the SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt (the SS Race and Settlement Office) which policed the racial purity of the SS itself.

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