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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Liz Cheney Sees an Opening

 Republican civil war. I like it!

The resolution says "Congresswoman Cheney's condemnation of President Trump and her support for President Trump's impeachment have been used multiple times by Democrats as justification for a truncated impeachment process that denies the president due process" and that her "personal position on issues does not reflect that of a majority of the Republican Conference and has brought the Conference into disrepute and discord."

The Warmonger Caucus is trying to reassert itself. That’s why Tom Cotton didn’t go for the riot (a smarter guy than Josh Hawley) and that’s why Liz Cheney is making noise now.
The Republican three-legged stool - anticommie warriors, economic types, and antiabortion fanatics - completely fell apart when Orange Twitler came along. And it’s going to be a long road back.
A Russian was once asked what it was like when the Bolsheviks took power. He described it as taking an aquarium, running it through the blender, and making fish stew. And what would the end of communism be like? The opposite process, whatever that meant.
Same with the Republicans with their stumpy stool. Good luck with that.

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