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Thursday, January 07, 2021

Confused Guy

As Orwell noted, totalitarian movements will spin the truth so fast it makes your neck crack. Orwell himself was caught in one of those moments. He was suddenly branded an “enemy of the people” and forced to sleep in Barcelona cemeteries during the Spanish Civil War when his militia lost a power struggle. It happens all the time in these movements. More confused guys coming:
But some who participated in the violence are a bit miffed at the rumors claiming they're actually antifa. In a tweet this Wednesday, pro-Trump activist Brandon Straka said that he saw no evidence that antifa was present at the "Stop the Steal" rally that turned violent. 
"Also- be embarrassed & hide if you need to- but I was there," Straka wrote. "It was not Antifa at the Capitol. It was freedom loving Patriots who were DESPERATE to fight for the final hope of our Republic because literally nobody cares about them. Everyone else can denounce them. I will not."

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