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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Calm Before The Storm

This is among the warmest Januarys in Sacramento history. And among the driest too. Changes are coming next week, thankfully. We haven't had a significant rain yet this rainy season, and the rainy season is half over. There are scattered fires present in California. In January. At the height of the rainy season. 

At Sacramento Executive Airport, yesterday's average temperature was 12 degrees F higher than average. Stockton's Airport had a high temperature of 72 degrees F: an all-time record for the date. 

Sacramento never had a January with an average temperature of 51 degrees Fahrenheit or more until 1970, but because of Global Warming, they are coming more and more frequently: 1970, 1976, 1986, 1995, 1998, 2003, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, and maybe 2021 when the dust settles. 

For January so far, at Sacramento Executive Airport, 0.27 inches have rain have fallen. Since October 1st, 2.35 inches of rain have fallen, about 28% of normal. 

If it rains like crazy next week, maybe can improve our statistics into the just mediocre range.

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