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Saturday, October 17, 2020

So You Say You Support BLM

Black Lives Matter is a popular cause, but support for BLM means little if support for suppressing Black votes continues unexamined. Specifically, these practices, which are very popular with Republicans these days: 

  • Limiting who counts as a person for census purposes; 
  • Gerrymandering targeting “African Americans with almost surgical precision“; 
  • Photo/voter ID laws; 
  • Restrictions on acceptable IDs; 
  • Onerous document requirements for voter registration; 
  • Street address requirements for registering in communities lacking street addresses; 
  • Limiting days/times/locations for voter registration services; 
  • Restrictions on ex-felon registration; 
  • Restrictions on voter registration drives; 
  • Violating the “Motor Voter” law by state DMVs; 
  • Restrictions on early voting times; 
  • Siting early voting locations remote to minority neighborhoods; 
  • Restrictions on absentee voting; 
  • Restrictions on absentee ballot drop boxes; 
  • Voter roll purges; 
  • Limiting voting machines in minority precincts; 
  • Voter intimidation tactics at the polls; 
  • “Disenfranchisement by typo“; 
  • Decades-long effort to undermine confidence in the election process itself.

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