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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

First - And I Hope Only - Debate

 The debate was fascinating - like watching the Twin Towers collapse over and over again. There’s no point in having more debates this cycle - it’s difficult to argue with a turd, and a little bit morbid too.:

Wallace asked each candidate to weigh in on what they were “prepared to do to reassure the American people that the next president will be the legitimate winner of this election.” 
Trump is not prepared to do this, of course, and so he took the opportunity to explain, yet again, that he has no intention of conceding defeat or conceding to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses at the polls in November. Instead, he urged his own supporters to “go into the polls and watch very carefully” and reaffirmed that he was “counting” on a conservative Supreme Court, with a newly confirmed Amy Coney Barrett, to crown him the winner if there are any problems with the “ballots.” (Reader: There will be problems with the “ballots.”) Pressed on the complete lack of evidence of fraud in mail-in balloting, Trump insisted that it is widespread and pervasive (ballots! In creeks! Sold by mailmen! In Philadelphia!) and promised “this is going to be a fraud like you’ve never seen. We might not know for months because these ballots are going to be all over.” Trump and his attorney general have been pushing this all-out fabrication all summer, in an effort to have the election called early, before all mail-in ballots are counted, and also to depress voter confidence in the possibility that any general election can be conclusive or fair. Again, that’s the point, and it’s the only point: He doesn’t want you to believe the election can be fair.

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