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Wednesday, September 09, 2020


I had a different take on the Trump campaign going dark on television as the election approaches. Since campaign funds are relatively easy to convert to personal use, my thought is that Trump simply intends to steal the money as he leaves office. Fewer ads; more loot. I wonder what the SuperPACs will do?:
Long-time readers will know about my skepticism over TV advertising. Public opinion simply doesn’t change, not on presidential preferences, and certainly not via a 60-second television ad. Nearly 200,000 dead have cost Trump a net three points in his job approval, according to the Civiqs daily tracking poll. If we’re lucky, the latest revelations of Trump grossly insulting our troops will cost him maybe another 1-2 points. If we’re lucky.

But that’s a separate debate. Fact is, presidential campaigns advertise. And if they don’t, it’s because they don’t have the money to do so. That goes extra for Trump, who was forcing his campaign to advertise in indigo blue Washington DC so he could watch himself during his copious daily TV time.

So how does the Trump campaign spin away this embarrassing admission of poverty?

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