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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Some Mayhem In Downtown Sacramento Tonight

The rioting has started again. I hope they can keep it low-key, because stupid Sheriff Jones wants to crack some Antifa heads:
After protests on Thursday that turned destructive, Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones promised a strong response from law enforcement. Speaking outside of the downtown jail earlier in the day, Jones told reporters that he had asked for National Guard personnel to quell the riots.

A large crowd gather in downtown Sacramento on Thursday afternoon for a peaceful demonstration that ended around 7 p.m. A second group arrived at 8 p.m., and about 200 people – some wearing all black clothing and carrying shields – tromped through the downtown area, smashing windows and defacing government buildings and private property. One news crew was threatened with physical violence for recording in public.

“It’s been one day and I’m already done with this,” Jones said. “We will end this. ... We have plenty of room in this building behind me,” Jones said, alluding to the jailhouse.

Sheriff Jones acknowledged the presence of the peaceful protest earlier on Thursday, but identified the second, later demonstration as the main cause of mayhem downtown. The latter, he said, was not a protest but an “attempted insurrection,” led by people equipped with body armor and riot gear.

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