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Sunday, July 12, 2020

A Few Personal Notes

I should take a trip.  Getting a little claustrophobic around here.  Basically marking time this Covid summer.

I'm well - still haven't got Covid yet.  My sisters Michelle and Marra, and nephew Aaron are OK too, as far as I know. Aaron lost his job as a fitness instructor due to Covid, and so has decided to join the Air Force.  He's a bit on the older side at age 29, but he had long been leaning to join the military at some point anyway.

I've signed up to be a Census Enumerator.  The long-delayed Training Class is supposed to start July 27th.  I've been doing bits of Air Quality Modeling work as an Independent Contractor.  The work pays well, but it's sparse and highly-irregular.  I also do occasional dog-sitting for friends.

I've been doing a lot of clearing furniture and moving a longtime housemate out of my house.  Maybe thinking of selling the house fairly soon - it's nice to get some floor space.

I stopped going to the gym (where I take Zumba and Jamaican Dancehall) and stopped taking ballet back in March due to Covid, and instantly gained 5 pounds.  As of mid-June I've started taking ballet again due to the small class sizes, but have hesitated going back to the gym with its larger classes.  So, I'm beginning to increase ballet class frequency to 3 times a week.  It's a little aggressive, but it helps with the dancing.  The more you do it, the better you do.

I'm continuing to write my book updates for the TV series "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul."  I had an argument with the theater folks, so I'm not doing anything with them right now, but they aren't doing much anyway due to Covid. Theater is seen as a high-risk activity.

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