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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Covid Is Going To Be Around Awhile

The doctors are worried about family gatherings and graduation parties. While walking dogs, I've seen several large family gatherings in progress, but these were held outdoors, which are presumably safer than those held indoors. It's extended, intimate contact that seems to exacerbate everything:
A week-long surge in coronavirus cases culminated with 267 new cases Friday through Sunday, the biggest three-day increase by far since COVID-19 hit the region three months ago.

But to the surprise of health officials, most of the spread is not happening at newly reopened nail salons, restaurants and barbers, or at previously hard-hit nursing and assisted care living centers. The surge also does not appear to be related to police brutality protests held in the earlier this month.

Instead, virus trackers are finding the recent surge is happening inside homes, often among extended families and friends during events such as graduation parties. While much of the infection spread in Sacramento is among whites, recent data show an increase among Latinos as well.

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