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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Small Blessings

Liking that I live in Sacramento:
In a surprise finding, the Sacramento region has the lowest reported coronavirus infection rate among the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the country, according to a Sacramento Bee analysis.

The Bee review of metros with more than 1 million residents showed the highest per capita rates are in larger and older East Coast and Midwest cities, where people often live closer together, and in many cases where leaders were slower to impose “stay at home” orders. The highest rates are in the New York City and northern New Jersey area, followed by New Orleans and Boston.

At the opposite end of the scale, Sacramento, San Antonio, Tampa, Fla., and Portland, Ore. had the lowest infection rates, in that order. Each of those areas has density in urban cores, but also has a considerable population base in suburban areas where detached, single-family homes are the norm, giving residents more elbow room.

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