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Monday, May 04, 2020

By Bicycle: Midtown/Downtown Sacramento - Part V

Liking the look of these modern apartments on Quinn.

There was a group of low rider cruisers booming around town on Sunday afternoon, but wherever they went, they got turned away by the cops. Here they try to enter Miller Park on the Sacramento River, and they get turned away because the park is "full."

I got excited by this graffiti because I thought I recognized it in a video, but I was wrong.

Sacramento's iconic Tower Bridge.

On the Sacramento River.

The low riders show up in Old Sacramento.

The cops say no dice.

The passage between Downtown Plaza and Old Sacramento (and as used in Corina's video that I posted yesterday).

Downtown Plaza.

Here is that silly Sacramento Kings robot again.

As used in Corina's video that I posted yesterday.

Sacramento train station.

It's amazing how ominous this building feels as it looms above the rail yards.

Rail yards.

Mysterious grass fire north of the railroad tracks on a Sunday afternoon.

I spent a number of tedious afternoons in the Sacramento County courthouse listening to testimony over the years.

The Sutter Club near the State Capitol on a Sunday afternoon.

The alley adjacent to the Sutter Club.

No idiots protesting at the State Capitol on a Sunday afternoon.

The B-Side - a clever-looking restaurant on a Sunday afternoon.

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