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Saturday, May 02, 2020

By Bicycle: Midtown/Downtown Sacramento - Part III

The last time I biked, I got a flat front tire. I repaired the flat and went out again. I got another flat. Then I realized that I hadn't checked out the tire for nails and other objects. Of course I would get another flat!

When I fixed the flat again, I checked, and found the intruding piece of glass that was causing the flat. I pulled it out, fixed the flat, and I was ready again.

I decided to check out the southwest corner of Sacramento's downtown, mostly because I knew no one over there, or had any business there, so knew relatively little about it. I headed west in the V Street corridor, and returned east on R Street.

Light rail in Sacramento.

Display at the Antique Company.

The Flame Club. I used to pass by here when I walked Bella, when the club seemed pretty rowdy. Then Bella got cancer, and I stopped walking past here. Then they had a late-night murder here, which I missed because I was no longer walking past late at night.

Hatuey Cigars.

Converse Sneakers.

The color is vivid here, but there is also a kind of illusion with this photo when seen from the distance - a kind of Dr. Seuss wobbliness.

Southside Park. Embarrassed to say I've never been here before.

Apparently this was the center of Mexican culture in Sacramento for many years. Who knew?

R Street is the boundary line of where the large California state government office buildings reign.

Ooh, there is a bike path across Interstate 5! How fun!

Flood town.

The Sacramento River.

Graffiti on public property.

Returning east on R Street.

Oh! DBG works here!

Murals here on R Street.

Gentrifying R Street corridor.

Well-loved Fox and Goose Restaurant. I remember visiting here on my first day of work at Sierra Research in July 1990.

Ace of Spades, where I've seen a number of live-music shows over the years.


Shop local.

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