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Friday, February 14, 2020

Eighteen Year Record as a Social Influencer, and I Get Squat

Bloomberg really wants to buy this thing:
Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg's campaign is paying social media influencers and a social media firm to flood Instagram with fake messages purportedly sent by the billionaire.

Bloomberg's campaign is offering social media influencers a fixed $150 fee to create content that "tells us why Mike Bloomberg is the electable candidate who can rise above the fray, work across the aisle so ALL Americans feel heard & respected," The Daily Beast reported last week.

The campaign is using Tribe, a "branded content marketplace" that allows brands to reach "micro-influencers" with 1,000 to 100,000 Instagram followers.

Hmmmm.... That's the problem with text instead of memes. I've been trying to be a social influencer for years. My blog is actually older than Facebook, but no one throws me any money.

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