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Saturday, October 05, 2019

Search Party (2014)

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Last updated: March 8, 2023

Comedy set in Mexico. Two men derail a friend's marriage and try to reunite him with a woman from his past. Starring T.J. Miller, Adam Pally, Thomas Middledich, Alison Brie, Krysten Ritter, Bryan Huskey. Filming locations: Albuquerque and To'hajiilee.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Scenes in Big City

Naked in the middle of Mexico - 27 San Jacinto - U.S. Wire Service

Carlsbad, CA

Circle Bowl (Baton Rouge)



Driving in back of pickup truck (34.979921°, -106.639000°)


Baton Rouge again

General bleak area (34.982040°, -106.636484°)

Bobby Foster Road - lower curves

Old Town Bandshell. Old Town Plaza - center, NW, SE, & NE corners

Turn to Rosarito

Laguna Burger. 66 Pit Stop - Approximate - (35.034802°, -106.938145°)


The Big Snake on University! (35.021699°, -106.635951°)

Just south of BF Road & Elsewhere

Las Culebras


Policia Federal - Out towards Rio Rancho somewhere - Bldg near Dreamland site (exterior) - (35.243962°, -106.856891°)

Police station interior

Bobby Foster Rd.

Back across border


Afterwards (2008)

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Last updated: March 9, 2020

Drama about a lawyer who meets a man who claims he can accurately predict when someone will die. Starring Evangeline Lilly, John Malkovich, Romain Duris, Lars Engstrom, and David Rigby. Filming locations: Alamogordo, Albuquerque, Jemez Springs, Tularosa, and White Sands National Monument.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Accident/Urban NYC locations/

Residential location - could be ABQ

Back to NYC

Flying to ABQ - Sunport parking 4th level

SB I-25 N of Big-I (35.111630°, -106.627057°)

Flying through Big-I


Road with telephone poles - Where is this road? Don't believe it exists on the West Mesa. CGI work?

Big-I: (35.106087°, -106.629501°) & (35.104196°, -106.629444°) & (35.105718°, -106.631531°)

Possibly Shooting Range Access Rd., just west of Jim McDowell Rd.????

White Sands

Route 66 diner, Bridge & Central

Crossroads Motel

House - 405? 13th St. & Fruit Avenue - 1301 Fruit Avenue NW

Jemez River?

Various scenes

Big-I (35.103642°, -106.631317°)

Crossroads Motel Room 215

Friday, October 04, 2019

The Odd Way Home (2013)

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Last updated: October 4, 2019

Drama. Unlikely companions take a road trip of discovery across the American Southwest. Starring Rumer Willis, Dave Vescio, Veronica Cartwright, Chris Marquette, Brendan Sexton III, Bruce Altman, and Seth Adkins. Filming locations: Albuquerque, Deming, Fairacres, Garfield, Hillsboro, Las Cruces, Mesilla, Pinos Altos, Santa Fe, Silver City.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Domestic Violence - Urban Apartment - Looks like LA

Driving - Palm Springs, Picacho Peak, Tucson, Las Cruces

Larry's Food Store, 601 Thorpe Rd, Doña Ana, NM 88032

Small Town


Bowlins Old West Trading Post, Exit 127 Frontage Road, Las Cruces, NM 88007

Milepost 56/66.

Adobe Deli?, possibly, 3970 Lewis Flats Rd SE, Deming, NM 88030

The Buckhorn Saloon & Opera House
When its new oak bar was hauled in wagons from Hillsboro in 1897

Boardwalk in woods

Doctor's Office

NB I-25 in ABQ -

Santa Fe Plaza, NW corner

Just north of Washington Ave. & E. Palace, Santa Fe



Roads in S. NM

Forlorn House



The War Boys (2009)

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Last updated: March 13, 2020

Drama about vigilantes poised along the US/Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants. Starring Victor Rasuk, Benjamin Walker, Brian J. Smith, Pamely Finley, Micaela Nevárez, Peter Gallagher, Tom Doyle, Greg Serano, Beth Bailey, and Ross Kelly. Filmed around Albuquerque and Rio Rancho.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Border wall - unclear location

1535? - North Valley?

Convenience market

Liquor Store, Monte Carlo Steakhouse, 3916 Central Ave. SW


Desert Zinnia Ct. NE (35.154280°, -106.484049°)

13416 Desert Zinnia Ct. NE (35.153985°, -106.485381°)



Green Acres MHP - General area (35.161240°, -106.631053°)

Office - Junkyard Area - appears to be (34.996844°, -106.661867°)

Library - Loma Colorado Library, Rio Rancho



Junkyard area


Back to Zinnia home

Golden Crown Panaderia, 1103 Mountain Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Shopping Plaza - Outside Burger Joint

Bakery/Green Acres

Market with Pinatas




Stretch about 840 Bridge Blvd. SW.


Bridge & Isleta Blvd.




Marta's Home

Trailer again

Marta's House


Welch Trucking

Pit - Don't know where this interesting site is located.

War on Everyone (2016)

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Last updated: March 3, 2020

Comedy about two corrupt cops in New Mexico who bite off more than they can chew when they try to blackmail criminals. Starring Alexander Skarsgård, Michael Peña, Theo James, Stephanie Sigman, Tessa Thompson, Caleb Landry Jones, Malcolm Barrett, and Keith Jardine. Filming locations: Albuquerque and To'hajiilee.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Pursuit - Pan Am Fwy NB Frontage Road & Osuna Rd., plus (35.144745°, -106.587838°)

Hit the Mime (35.144162°, -106.587639°)

4527 Sunningdale Avenue Northeast, Albuquerque, NM, USA


Drunk Driving

House - 1705

Big-I - EB

Balloon Museum

3rd & Central - Across street from SMPC.

Pool Hall - Anodyne

State Fairgrounds - Horse racing - Downs at ABQ


Knockouts Bar




Modern House

Milne Stadium


4527 again

Bldg at corner of Jefferson & Sunningdale

Running north on Jefferson

Hijab tennis

Riding tram

View out apartment window - at a church?

Rainy street

Madrid Lounge, Coal underpass

Apartment building

Massage Therapy

Occidental Building as mosque - near Gingers Goods

Downs at ABQ

Boxing Gym

St. John's Cathedral

Near alley - 6th & Gold, heading north

Knockouts - quick turn on Central near Kress Bldg

Alley - behing Jimmy John's

Running south in parking lot - NW corner of 2nd & Central

Running - SW side of ABQ Convention Center on 3rd St.

Roof on the Sunrise Bldg


Modern House

Hinkle's? Uncle Cliff's?



Dog House

View of Train Station & Central underpass from top of Sunrise Bldg

Bldg at NW corner of 5th & Central

Indoor Shooting Range

Downs at ABQ again

Hurricane's Diner

Modern House - 7707 Elena Dr. NE

Posh nightclub

Forque turned into Torque

Vehicle blows up

Boxing club beatdown

Drop fellow off -

Staircase from parking at SE corner of Annex

MDC? Signage, yes. Actual building, unclear.

To'hajiilee - BrBa spot

Fancy house


Driving - 9 Mile Hill?

El Rey, east of Broadway

Warehouse (35.019023°, -106.644155°)


Thanks given to Anodyne Pool Hall and Bar, Library Bar and Grill

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Wrong is Right (1982)

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Last updated: October 3, 2019

Comedy/Drama. Satire of news reporting, involving the theft of two "suitcase nukes". Starring Sean Connery, Robert Conrad, Katharine Ross, Leslie Nielsen, and Rosalind Cash. Filmed in Alamogordo and Albuquerque.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

(Alamogordo area not covered due to my general unfamiliarity with that area.)


Same Studio City set as used for Flap

Studios - Living room, etc.

White Sands


Montage - Hagreb Hilton

First Plaza Galleria

Occidental Building

Marquette at Second St.

Half-Life Digital, across street from Occidental Bldg

View of alley



View from SE corner of Convention Center @ 2nd and Tijeras to old Albuquerque High School

Embassy scenes - where?

First Plaza Galleria

Washington, D.C.

Leslie Nielsen - trucks

So. NM airport

Washington/White Sands

Exploding vehicles


Warrior Woman (2011)

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Last updated: March 2, 2020

Drama about a young teacher dealing with cancer treatment and life-altering dreams. Written and directed by Julie Reichert; starring Karen Young, Aarti K. Attreya, Amy Baklini, Alexa Bauer, Vic Browder, Chandra Ursule Brown, Chad Brummett, and Joanne Camp. Filmed around Albuquerque.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Bedroom - Dream Sequence

Regina Apartments, 200 Walter St SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102


City Lights

Cancer dream

Inside apt.

Health Office

Cutting Vegetation


Hospital - Surgery -


Driving on Freeway - I-40 EB approaching Louisiana exit

Louisiana NB?

Driving on remote highway

Roadside/Towing/Anderson's Gym sign

Gas Station - 4621 Broadway Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM


Cancer Clinic dream

Rhonda's House - House repair

Swimming in the bosque

Brick Bldg. - Artist's studio

In the Rio Grande

Bobby Foster Road - low POV from elm tree camera site

Bobby Foster Rd., farther east (34.986487°, -106.636517°)

Regina Apts. again

Are they at Spearmint Rhino? Or the Realtors? Looks like Greater Albuquerque Association of Realtors. (35.102931°, -106.628180°)

River scenes look like north of Alameda Bridge

Bend in the road (35.198533°, -106.504481°)

1413 - "ter Home Improvements" - Where is this?

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Undocumented (2010)

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Last updated: October 2, 2019

Thriller; a film crew doing a documentary on undocumented migrant workers run afoul of a radical group. Starring Scott Mechiowicz, Alona Tal, Greg Serano, Kevin Weisman, Tim Draxl, Yancey Arias, Peter Stormare, Adam Kulbersh, Jsu Garcia, Noah Segan, and Nick Tucci. Filming locations: Albuquerque, Cerrillos, Millennium Turquoise Mines (Santa Fe County), Old Main Prison Set (Santa Fe), Santa Fe (Willy Ortiz State Bldg).

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(No map presented since there are only two sites here)

Notes on Individual Scenes

Opening - Highway 14 - 57A intersection

2nd view unclear

Heading N on Highway 14

Interview site

3rd view unclear

Whitaker's House

Small House

Steps on meeting place

House wall gateway






Somewhere out at Bonanza Creek, looking towards Sandias - perhaps the Barn at Bonanza Creek


End credits - Special Thanks, State Pen

Track of the Moon Beast (1976)

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Last updated: January 31, 2025

AKA: Track of the Moonbeast. Science Fiction / Horror. After a meteorite becomes embedded in his head, a young man transforms into a reptilian monster. Starring Chase Cordell, Leigh Drake, Gregorio Sala, Patrick M. Wright, Francine Kessler, Timothy Wayne Brown, Crawford MacCallum, Jeanne Swain, Alan Swain, and Joe Blasco as the Moon Beast. Filmed around Albuquerque.

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Notes on Individual Scenes


Indian dance - looks like in front of St. Augustine Church in Isleta

KOB television studio

Road at bottom of volcanic mesas

Patio at Isleta

ABQ lights, tree, Top of the Crest. Wind-twisted tree

His place

House of attack

View of his place - 7501

UNM Paleontology

Shooting arrows

7501 again. 7501 Bear Canyon Rd. - thanks Kevin Vaughn!

Brief view of Sandias


7901 again

Supposedly St. Joe's.

Camera shop

Geology Dept. again

Hospital setting


View of St. Joe's entrance: (35.086711°, -106.639520°)

3903 Central Ave. NE - Gun and Coin Shop where Absolutely Neon is now

Driving towards Crest



I-40 in Tijeras Canyon


The Vanishing of Sidney Hall (2017)

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Last updated: October 2, 2019

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Notes on Individual Scenes

A bedroom - East Coast

Movie clips

School hallway



Storage area

Police car

ABQ arroyo crossing - Pennsylvania overcrossing near Rhode Island NE

Back east again

Westside Jail parking lot

66 Diner at Bridge and Central

Back east

Heading to remote house

The House

Back east


Taos General Hospital - green hallways

Outside hospital looks like ABQ horizon



Out near General Goodwin Road? View of Ortiz Mtns.

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

The Proving Grounds (2011 production, 2013 release)

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Last updated: October 1, 2019

Documentary about Jackson's MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) academy in Albuquerque. Featuring Jon Jones, Clay Guida, Carlos Condit, Donald Cerrone, Leonard Garcia, Julie Kedzie, Diego Sanchez, Mike Winkeljohn, Holly Holm, Ricky Kottenstette, Greg Jackson (trainer); Cameos: Gov. Bill Richardson (2003-2010), Steve Alford (UNM Basketball coach), Richard Berry (Mayor, Albuquerque), Georges St. Pierre (Ultimate Fighting Championship).

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Various ABQ viewa

Jackson's Mixed Martial Arts

Hard Rock Hotel

Sandia Tram - midway

Outside Airport (35.049776°, -106.622188°)

5505 Acoma Road Southeast, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Brown bldg.


Competitive Ring

Gov. Richardson in Santa Fe, NM

Riding Horses

The Ranch, Edgewood, NM


Diego Sanchez - View of Manzanos

View of interior of Isleta Casino,

Just north of 3rd & Central

All Nations Church of God & Christ
5475 Peoria St
Denver, CO 80239

Jackson's Martial Arts Academy

Unclear if Jackson/Wink MMA facility was used in the movie, so not included on maps.

The Merry Maids of Madness (2016)

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Last updated: March 2, 2020


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French Dip sandwich from Fiorello's

Stratford Home for Rest and Rehabilitation appears to be Amy Biehl School

Cafe Bella Coffee, 2115 Golf Course Rd SE #102, Rio Rancho, NM 87124


Big Stone House - Bella Roma - Bed & breakfast, 1211 Roma Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102


Julie flees, near Presbyterian Rust Medical Center in Rio Rancho, near Vista de Colinas and Girasol Rd. SE


Thanks to Amy Biehl, Cafe Bella Coffee, Fano Bread Co., Sadie's of NM, Bella Roma Bed and Breakfast, The Box, Giovanni's Pizzeria, Heart and Sole Sports, Mother Road Theater Co., Dragon Wok.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Long Dumb Road (2018)

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Last updated: February 11, 2023

I really liked this comedy.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Akin Service in Belen, the service station that opens the Long Dumb Road.

College student leaving home - looks like Country Club neighborhood - 1707 Los Alamos Ave. SW

Driving through neighborhood

Cityscape - Louisiana?

View of Carl's Jr.

Various city views

Panda Express, 3601 Bosque Plaza Ln NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120

Larry H. Miller Hyundai Albuquerque, 9820 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114

Car dealership/volcanic mesa/

SB I-25 (34.970850°, -106.655201°)

SB I-25 just east of Isleta Blvd. exit.

Looks like hills SB I-25

Start of guard rail SB I-25 just west of Isleta Blvd. exit

Pinkish building

Gas & Liquor Quickstop, 90 El Cerro Mission Blvd., Los Lunas

East 500 - Gotta be Dennis Chaves Blvd. near the crest, but where?

Gas station

Bend in Manzano Expressway (34.747848°, -106.674871°)


2nd St. & Becker, going S, turning E

Pink building - 107 Becker


Manzano Mtns.

Trailer Park

Wild Pony

Driving - where is this?

I-10 signs

Welcome to NM sign

Las Vegas Spaghetti Bowl intersection

West of Belen grassland

Nighttime stop

Bob's Burgers, 4506 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105


Morning - Parking lot

Motel - Four Hills Studios, 12901 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123.

Walk - where?

Bar - Burt's Tiki Bar? Maybe not



Open Field near apartments

Auto service - Blue Castle Auto Repair, 2321 Isleta Blvd SW.

Cedar Crest?

Sandia Park (35.162995°, -106.347940°)

Roadside in Sandias

Bernalillo County Sheriff Department, 48 Public School Rd, Tijeras, NM 87059

Fast food restaurant
Bob's Burgers on N. 4th St.

Hitching at 4th & Natalie NW

Back street

House - 2632 Granite Ave. NW

Lew Wallace Elementary School.

Driving eastbound on Fruit, starting about Luna, in order to pass by cool human skeleton sculpture. Turn right on 7th St. Driving south on 7th St. NW past Lew Wallace Elementary; turn right (west) on Roma.

In front of bus station

Bus trip

SB 2nd St.? Or further south?

Walking beside freeway



Special Thanks: Alamo Beer Co., Blue Owl Beer Co., Big Bend Brewing Co., Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co., Cosmico Hotel, Left Turn Distilling, Nambe Falls Casino, Santa Fe Brewing, Zions First National Bank.

As part of my Albuquerque films-watching project, I'm liking this 2017 comedy "The Long Dumb Road," on Amazon Prime video. Not only are there a zillion ABQ and Belen-area filming locations, but the filmmakers arranged to drive past a local sculptor's house, just to include this cool human skeleton sculpture. Whatever else, these filmmakers are considerate of local artists.


Returning from a walk with Jasper, at the end of the alley, I noticed one homeless guy draping leaves and ivy on another homeless guy who was already wearing camouflage clothing. The fellow looked like an Ent.

“Lord of the Rings for Halloween?” I asked. “No,” the first one replied. “You know like those TV shows with pranks? For Halloween, he can stand in the bushes and jump out at people. Doesn’t he look great?” I nodded. The second fellow smiled and waved sheepishly.

Lucrative Lobbying Will Kill This Country

Hunter Biden:
What Donald Trump has done ... is shockingly corrupt, a danger to American democracy, and worthy of impeachment.

But the egregiousness of these acts must not blind us to the culture of influence-peddling that surrounds and enables them. ... All too often, the scandal isn’t that the conduct in question is forbidden by federal law, but rather, how much scandalous conduct is perfectly legal—and broadly accepted.

Ukraine’s President Is Being Dubbed “Monica Zelensky” At Home

But as Ukrainian diplomat Pavlo Klimkin joked on social media, “Whatever happens, in the history of the United States, Ukraine will remain the country that led to the impeachment of the US President. Not a very fun prospect. But now everyone knows what we are capable of ”

Like "The Long Dumb Road"

As part of my Albuquerque films-watching project, I'm liking this 2017 comedy "The Long Dumb Road," on Amazon Prime video. Not only are there a zillion ABQ and Belen-area filming locations, but the filmmakers arranged to drive past a local sculptor's house, just to include this cool human skeleton sculpture. Whatever else, these filmmakers are considerate of local artists.

California Can Finally Have Nice Things

Now that the legislature has progressive supermajorities, California can finally have nice things:
Democrats won supermajorities in both houses of the California legislature in 2006. They have dominated Golden State politics ever since, defying conservative expectations. Instead of sinking into deficits and collapsing, California is running a budget surplus, and has become the world’s 5th largest economy.

However, tensions between the Democratic establishment and grassroots activists have continued – until now. In 2019, reams of progressive legislation are finally becoming law after years of resistance from centrist forces within the party, a barrier that only dissolved after the 2018 elections. Put simply, now that a truly progressive majority has taken power, the people of California can at last have nice things.

Remarkable Thunderstorm - September 28, 2019

(Image by Rachel Rycerz, taken on I-80 westbound.)

Missed the tornado by a few minutes! We saw a tendril descend from the clouds, but it soon disappeared. The tornado just north of Davis had already occurred by the time this photo was taken. Surprisingly good visibility, though, under the circumstances.