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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Making It (1971)

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Last updated: March 13, 2020

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Apartment - Ambassador East

Riding Down Street - Can't quite make it out

Washington @ Central

Lomas @ Woodward

Behind Hokona Hall? - Can't quite figure it out

Central, looking east to I-25? Can't figure out exact location

RR Underpass, WB

Lead overpass over RR - WB

High School - West Mesa - yes!

Gas station on Central

Driving on Central about Yale Park, WB

Turn off Central, EB?

Nice house - Ridgecrest neighborhood?

Run in park - Where is this dastardly park?


Driving - Shell, etc. Rotating sign. Bank of the West, EB on Central. Village Inn.

UNM Bookstore

Frank's Drive-In. Probably what became Hurricane's


Home Ec

Mac's Mobile Homes 10104 - probably Central Ave. SW


Record store - bookstore? - No, looks like Winrock

Girl's house

North Valley home, with tower


Basement Gym



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