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Sunday, September 08, 2019

Hide in Plain Sight (1980)

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Last updated: September 8, 2019

Starring and directed by James Caan. Based upon a true story of a man trying to find his children. Filmed in Albuquerque and Buffalo New York. Also starring Jill Eikenberry and Danny Aiello.

The movie doesn't shift from Buffalo to Albuquerque until late. There are three primary scenes: The Hacienda Restaurant in Old Town, the Luna Lodge, the neighborhood scene, and the airport. Still not sure where the neighborhood scene is located.

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Buffalo, NY scenes.

Washington D.C. scenes


Hacienda, in Old Town

City street

Motel office - Room 3


Luna Lodge Motel, 9119 East Central Ave., Albuquerque, NM 87123


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