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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Rainbow Bridge

While I was waiting yesterday evening with Blue the Dog in my vehicle in the driveway of VCA Mueller Veterinary Hospital, I started talking to a woman who was also waiting with her dog in her vehicle. Her dog appeared to be paralyzed. "Aren't dogs wonderful?" she said. "They love you so. I've had my son's dog for a lot of years now. This dog saw me through the alcoholism years, and so many other things. He's blind and deaf now, and isn't much company, but I love him so. The end is probably coming soon, and I'm trying to find the strength for that time."

I talked about putting down Bella the Dog in 2016, and the joy these days of having Jasper, a young dog. I suggested she think about a young dog when the time came.

Hospital staff came and took her dog in.

About an hour later, I saw her leave the hospital. She was stricken, choked with tears, and couldn't speak. The hammer had fallen so fast.

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