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Friday, May 31, 2019

Presenting My Atlas of Albuquerque Filming Locations

Many movies have been based in the City of Albuquerque, particularly in the past quarter century. Each film team has had a different vision of the Duke City: a hotbed of romance, a comedic home, a land of forgetfulness and regret, a drugged-out metropolis caught in cross-border realpolitik, a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Yet, it’s hard to recall all these visions while driving around the city.

Today, I unveil my latest project - an illustrated, online Atlas of Albuquerque Filming Locations, specifically for movies of an hour’s length, or more. I count about 385 such movies filmed in or around Albuquerque, through 2018.

Stage 1 of this project has been to tackle the easiest-to-identify filming locations gathered from DVDs of those movies that I was able to find at my local Sacramento Dimple Records store. I watched 89 such movies, exhausted the local supply, and gathered a total of 547 filming locations.

It’s interesting to observe where film crews have concentrated their efforts – Central Avenue is a big favorite – as well as those places filmmakers tend to avoid.

Stage 1 just scratches the surface of the cinematic richness out there. Stage 2 will consist of ordering more films to view, as well as digging deeper into the films that I already have.

The Atlas Introductory Page is here. Take a look. I hope this resource will prove helpful to fans of Albuquerque-based movies.

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