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Wednesday, March 06, 2019

AOC In The Spotlight

Just a brief soapbox moment regarding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka AOC. Why, of all the freshmen Democratic representatives, is SHE the one the media focuses on? The reason, I think, is that she isn't supposed to exist.

For at least forty years, since the early Seventies, America's billionaires (like the Koch Brothers) have been spending enormous amounts of money setting up an entire ideological infrastructure - libertarian and conservative think tanks, media organizations like FOX News, all kinds of Super PACS, etc.

The billionaires' goal wasn't just the normal business of herding cats - making sure bought politicians stayed bought. The purpose was a form of social engineering: to eradicate even the possibility of socialistic or left-wing thought. As in George Orwell's "1984," discontented poor people wouldn't even be able to assemble the thoughts in their heads required to make demands on the rich.

The billionaires thought they had succeeded. It sure looked that way! But by defeating the third-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, socialist-leaning AOC completely demolished the entire, expensive forty-year-long project. (It doesn't matter that AOC's socialism would have been called middle-of-the-road Democratic boilerplate ideology in the 1940's. She ran unapologetically on a left-wing program, and won).

AOC was supposed to be impossible. Yet, there she is! The billionaires are aghast that they failed, utterly and completely. And THAT is why AOC gets the media attention, and will continue to get the media's attention!

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