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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Hateful People? Ya Think?

Ammon Bundy wanders off the reservation:
Bundy, a central figure in the anti-government militia movement, recently criticized Trump’s rhetoric towards the migrant caravan at America’s southern border. Following the sharing of his opinions, which was surprising to his supporters, Bundy told BuzzFeed News that he was the instant target of a heavy backlash. Some wished he was dead or that they never supported his family during the standoffs and others claimed he was paid to switch political sides.

While he expected to get some pushback, he thought he could explain to critics why he took the positions that he did. However, his speculation that people aligned with him for reasons other than his principles and weren’t really listening was confirmed by the backlash he received.

"It's like being in a room full of people in here, trying to teach, and no one is listening," Bundy told BuzzFeed News. "The vast majority seemed to hang on to what seemed like hate, and fear, and almost warmongering, and I don't want to associate myself with warmongers."

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