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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Protest on Thursday Against Joe Arpaio in Carmel Valley

Siobhan gets air time regarding the protest she's organized tomorrow in Carmel Valley. If you are down that way, stop by, boo America's most-dangerous sheriff, and celebrate freedom:
Carmel Valley resident and mom Siobhan Wolfe helped organize the “No Arpaio” protest via Facebook.

“Joe Arpaio is a criminal and he's a racist. And Carmel Valley is all about love. He has a right, his First Amendment right to speak, but we also have a right to say, ‘yeah, your message does not resonate with Carmel Valley’,” said Wolfe.

According to the “No Arpaio” Facebook page, more than a hundred people will attend the protest outside the luncheon venue at Carmel Valley’s Palo Corona Regional Park.

[UPDATE] Siobhan got some air time on the NPR affiliate!

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