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Thursday, September 06, 2018

Officer-Involved Shooting In My Neighborhood

And so, Thursday morning, 21st St. remains closed as police continue their investigation into last night’s officer-involved shooting.
I was watering plants in my front yard just before midnight when sirens went off in all directions, and 2, 4, 6, 10 police cars began swarming the streets in my neighborhood. Hells bells, what’s going on? In the middle of it all, an older black man materialized out of the darkness, pushing a baby carriage (apparently filled with cans for recycling) across the street. His body language said, “I’m not here; I was never here; I don’t exist.”

I started listening on my police scanner app and gathered the police were laying siege to six city blocks, just two blocks over from my house. Someone with a restraining order against them was menacing people with a gun, and was likely lurking somewhere in that cordon.

Not wanting to feel left out from the excitement, I walked down the alley to the perimeter of the besieged area. Police cars everywhere! On the police scanner, they did a quick inventory on rifles. Yup, everyone has a rifle!

After 20 minutes, I began getting bored, and began feeling instead like good hostage material. Sieges are tedious. So, I went back home, as they did whatever they needed to do - call in a SWAT team, shut down train traffic, refuel the police helicopter, etc.

About 3 a.m., there was apparently an officer-involved shooting:
Around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, authorities got a call about an armed person wearing a mask.

Sgt. Vance Chandler with the Sacramento Police Department says the suspect was armed and ran from police into a residential area when they attempted to make contact.

When the suspect ran, officers monitored him from the patrol vehicle. Officers established a perimeter around the area instead of chasing the suspect.

Sgt. Chandler says SWAT teams were called to the scene to search for the suspect shortly after midnight and they took over the main search for the suspect.

Around 3 a.m., the suspect was located by K9s in the backyard of a home.

When SWAT officers made contact, Sgt. Chandlers says the man posed an "immediate threat" and two officers fired their weapons.

There is a heavy police presence in the area and several streets between Larkin Way and Broadway are blocked off on 21st Street.

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