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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hurricane Florence Drives For The Coast

The hurricane-path forecasts have been remarkably stable, showing Florence's initial landfall in North Carolina, with enormous storm surges along the coast, even into Virginia. Then, Florence stalls, and wanders a bit, perhaps wandering into northeast South Carolina, with accompanying heavy flooding.

Initially, forecasts showed Florence moving back over the Atlantic, and heading northeast, but more recent forecasts show Florence staying inland, creating a punishing flood event in the Appalachians in southwest Virginia, and heavy rains throughout Virginia and Maryland, before heading northeast.

Some, but not all, weather forecasts show there is a possibility that Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaac might divert from its current western path, start moving northwest, and follow Florence's path into the coast. It's still unclear how likely that change in path might be.

There's also a developing tropical low that may afflict Houston with rain over the next week.

A rather complacent Pat Robertson counsels prayer for Virginia:
“In the name of Jesus, you Hurricane Florence, we speak to you in the name of Jesus, and we command the storm to cease its forward motion and go harmlessly into the Atlantic. Go up north away from land and veer off in the name of Jesus. We declare in the name of the lord that you shall go no farther, you shall do no damage in this area.”

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