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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Interview With Terry Wallace

By hook and by crook, I obtained a copy of the NM Tech alumni magazine, "The Gold Pan," featuring an interview with Terry Wallace, former classmate who has recently been named head of Los Alamos Labs. He is among the highest-octane performers of NM Tech's alumni.

I was perturbed by Terry's interview. In a discussion focusing on scientific literacy, Terry offers an example:
Offering the example of climate change, Wallace says there simply isn’t enough general solid understanding to make an argument on either side. “We have moved too much toward assessment outcome rather than just being literate.”

One slick asshole! One of the most important reasons the government supports research is to support action in the face of uncertainty. Terry doesn't support that mission and doesn't even defend the climate scientists and environmental researchers under his direction at Los Alamos Labs - scientists who are under daily attack by well-funded opponents.

Back in school days, I never got close to Terry. I sensed calculation. It's gotten him this far. It won't save him for much longer.

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