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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

VW Uses Albuquerque for its Dark Experiments

No earthly clue:
Volkswagen has taken responsibility for diesel emissions tests on humans and monkeys amid mounting fury.

VW chief executive Matthias Mueller said the German car maker had "taken first consequences" for the tests.

...VW has suspended its chief lobbyist Thomas Steg, who admitted to knowing in advance about the monkey experiment, which took place in New Mexico in 2014.

...Last week the New York Times reported that EUGT had exposed 10 monkeys to fumes - in an air-tight chamber - from several cars, including a diesel VW Beetle, at a lab in Albuquerque.

...In 2015 VW admitted having fitted "cheat" devices in the US that made its engines appear less polluting than they actually were.

The scandal has cost Volkswagen almost $30bn.

Last month former VW executive Oliver Schmidt was sentenced to seven years in prison in the US and a $400,000 (£293,000) fine after admitting he helped the firm evade clean-air laws.

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