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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

New Mexico Stumbles Into Zimbabwean Politics

A helicopter crash:
SANTA FE – What was apparently supposed to be a weekend getaway for a former Zimbabwean politician, a wealthy Houston-area businessman and others on a sprawling ranch in northeastern New Mexico turned into tragedy Wednesday evening when their helicopter crashed, killing five and leaving just one survivor.

Five people were killed when this helicopter crashed Wednesday evening about 15 miles east of Raton. One injured passenger survived. (Source: KOAT)

Zimbabwean opposition leader Roy Bennett, 60, and his wife, 55-year-old Heather Bennett, died in the crash about 15 miles east of Raton, State Police have confirmed.

The others who were killed were pilot Jamie Coleman Dodd, 57, of Trinidad, Colo.; co-pilot Paul Cobb, 67, of Conroe, Texas; and wealthy businessman, investor and philanthropist Charles Burnett III, 61, of Houston.

Andra Cobb, Paul Cobb’s daughter and Burnett’s long-term girlfriend, survived and is being treated for burns and broken bones at University of New Mexico Hospital, Burnett’s lawyer confirmed Thursday.

A State Police press release said that Andra Cobb was able to escape the wreckage and called 911 around 6 p.m.

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