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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Spray of Glass

In my continued, obsessive effort to better-understand my automobile accident, one of the central questions has been where on the freeway did the colossal impact actually occur? No one seemed to know.

Last night, coming back from Davis, I noticed there was a spray of crumble glass on the freeway. It could always be from another accident, of course, but I think not in this case, since my accident is recent - only 3 weeks ago - there hasn't been much time for the glass to disperse. The explosion of the back window into tiny chunks was something to behold! Tonight, I confirmed the glass is there.

So, if the colossal impact occurred at the spray of glass location, a full one-quarter of a mile was required for me to stop my spinning and skidding car, and it makes the CHP accident reconstruction even more improbable as a reasonable explanation.

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