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Friday, December 22, 2017

How Did I Get Here?

I particularly like this mashup version, because most of David Bowie's "The Man Who Fell From Earth" was filmed in New Mexico in 1975. You can find these exact places without much trouble:


  1. Glen Kellogg8:08 AM

    Dear Marc,

    The Talking Heads/Man Who Fell to Earth mashup makes at least as much sense as the movie did! I tried to watch the movie a couple of years ago on TV and still couldn't get into it. I can't remember for sure, but I think you and I saw it together at Don Pancho's in second run. Do you recall?

    I also wanted to reach out and thank you for writing and publishing your book. I enjoyed it very much. I will tell you that I am now ambivalent about saxophones in rock music. Quite a transformation for me after more than 40 years!

    Best holiday wishes! If you come to the East Coast, please let us know so we can get together.


  2. Whoa! Is that you, Glen? Fantastic! Thank you for the wonderful thoughts.

    I've seen that "Man Who Fell to Earth" several times, likely with you (I forgot about Don Panchos!!!) It doesn't make much sense, and it makes less sense as time passes. But that's OK - it's Albuquerque, and its general New Mexico environs. The movie can be completely senseless, as far as I'm concerned. And as Walter Kubilius points out, it's the only movie ever made about groundwater. We need more groundwater movies!

    It's interesting how tastes slowly evolve in a lifetime. I am happy that you are now ambivalent about saxophones. They have a place. Not necessarily a large place, but better than flutes in some situations.

    I'd love to come out to the East Coast. I haven't been traveling much since I'm now quasi-retired, and I feel cooped up. I need to get a job, or perhaps get more money. Or, failing that, a sponsor. Maybe Lady Gaga is free. Heck, I could even learn saxophone for my keep.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to you and your entire family!

    I'll next be in Albuquerque on February 9-10, giving a talk and helping lead a roundtable at the 39th annual Southwest Popular/American Cultural Association meeting. My talk is entitled: Weaponizing “Falling Down” - “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul” Filming Location and Set Semiotics. I've noticed the film crews are sending out coded messages in the background. Strange stuff.
