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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Dissing Mormons, For No Good Reason

Amazing. Steve Bannon is bossing around people in Utah about who their Senator should be at the same time he heaps contempt on Mitt Romney and the idea of Mormon missionary work. That'll fly over real well in Utah:
Steve Bannon, however, obviously feels differently. At a rally for U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore in Fairhope, Alabama last night, Bannon attacked Mitt Romney:
“Judge Roy Moore has more honor and integrity in that pinkie finger than your entire family has in its whole DNA,” Bannon said in his 30-minute speech at Oak Hollow Farm. “You hid behind your religion. You went to France to be a missionary while guys were dying in rice paddies in Vietnam. Do not talk to me about honor and integrity,” he said, referencing Romney’s Mormon faith.

There’s a lot of heat in those remarks. He accuses Romney not only of being a coward who lacks honor and integrity, but of being an insincere missionary who was proselytizing out of his own convenience instead of any conviction. Bannon’s condemnation is sweeping enough to call into question the LDS’s entire practice of missionary work if it happens to take place in wartime.

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