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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

The weather situation is pretty desperate here in California, with December much drier even than during the recent brutal drought. At Sacramento Executive Airport, it's the third-driest December since they started recording in 1941. We might be sailing right off a cliff into a new, even-more-brutal drought.

The weather forecasts are suggesting a Pineapple Express type storm is coming in early January. The NVG forecast is suggesting the storm will come as soon as January 2nd; the GFS forecast is suggesting much, much later, maybe around January 9th.

Despite the divergence on timing, either scenario is possible. It all hinges on the actions of a cutoff low, and as they teach in weather school, forecasting the actions of cutoff lows is difficult.

Pineapple Express storms aren't what we need in January. We need cold storms from the Gulf of Alaska, to build up the snowpack. Beggars can't be choosers, though. However the precipitation wants to come, we'll have to take it.

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