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Friday, December 08, 2017

Auto Accident Bureaucracies Creaking To Life

CHP? Check. Accident report comes out next week.

CSAA (aka AAA)? Car will apparently be declared a total loss. Still need more info - maybe next week.

DMV? Check. They've been informed.

Medical? Who knows? I'll find out soon enough.

Injury Attorney? Placed a phone call. I'll have my people talk to their people, and we'll do lunch.

There's more going on than I feel comfortable posting about here. Suffice to say, I think I'm in a strong place to start heading down this bumpy road. It can't be any bumpier than the road I've already been on.

My sweater has holes in it where the shoulder belt forcefully prevented me from flying all around the passenger compartment, matching the bruises on my shoulder. I was indifferent to this sweater before. I now love this now-ratty-looking sweater! The holes are survival medals!

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